Our Farm - Page 8

Our three and a half-acre pesticide-free farm located in Fillmore produces a diverse yield of crops, grown using sustainable principles like water conservation, crop rotation, and cover cropping to grow mixed vegetables, strawberries, and flowers.

We provide our crops to our community through our Solidarity Shares program, our community supported agriculture (CSA) program, and local markets and restaurants.

We also offer greater accessibility to our food-insecure communities through our food justice programs and donate our excess through food banks and faith-based institutions.


We farm with the health of the land and future generations in mind.


We work with small farms in our area to provide diverse, nutrient-dense food to our community.


Our farm is much more than a place to grow crops to sell. It is a place to connect with the land. We work to transform our food system towards justice, liberation, and increased health for all people, while caring for the land and all who tend the land.